The Microbiome.
Our Inner Life Force.

The microbiome is a complex community of microorganisms that lives in your gut. It’s made up of trillions of bacteria and other microbes that work together to maintain your health. After centuries of thinking all bacteria are our enemies, science has finally revealed the very opposite; bacteria are our greatest ally and are crucial to our health!

Now that science has uncovered the incredible interworkings and intelligence, yes intelligence, of the powerful gut microbiome, we can bring lasting weight loss and wellness to life.

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The Microbiome

Connection to Health
and Weight Loss

Understanding our body’s microscopic control center and why it’s important starts with understanding the profound and far-reaching effects gut health has on overall health. With a direct connection to the brain, the microbiome has the final say on how our bodies work and how we feel.

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Metabolism and Appetite

Metabolism and Appetite

The microbiome stimulates the gut to secrete many compounds and hormones that reduce appetite and boost metabolism. One of these compounds is GLP-1, the originator of the booming GLP-1 mimickers in the weight loss medicine market, such as Wegovy and Ozempic. Unlike these drugs, the microbiome produces so much more, including other GLPs to produce a healthy whole, which is greater than the sum of all its parts.

Gut Microbiome and Metabolism

Energy Levels

Energy Levels

A healthy microbiome increases nutrient absorption for better energy production from the food we eat. Its connection to our metabolism also helps to regulate our energy storage and usage for optimal energy levels.

Gut Microbiome and Energy Levels

Brain Function and Mood

Brain Function and Mood

The microbiome influences the production and regulation of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and more. This connection explains why an unhealthy microbiome can cause stress and even depression, as well as affect cognitive functions like focus and productivity.

Microbiome Gut Brain Axis

Immune System

Immune System

A diverse and balanced gut microbiome is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps protect against pathogens (harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites), regulates immune responses, and promotes immune tolerance.

Gut Microbiome and Immune System
Inside Gut Health

What Determines
Your Gut Health?

Everyone's microbiome is unique and has its own optimal balance of bacteria. This optimal balance strengthens our gut wall and keeps inflammation at bay.

From the moment we are born, our microbiome begins to be affected by its environment and the variables introduced to it — from what we eat to how we feel emotionally.


Calorie counting? Carb-cutting? Fasting? When it comes to the foods we eat, what matters most is giving our microbiome what it needs to operate in top shape. That means more, fiber and probiotics, and far less processed food full of refined sugar and fat.


Bacteria thrive on exercise—especially cardio. Not because it burns calories but because it supports a diversity of bacteria that is crucial to its function.


The gut-brain axis goes both ways. While a healthy microbiome supports your mood, the act of stressing out can directly damage beneficial bacteria in your gut. From stressful life events to ongoing stressors, the gut takes the brunt of it all.


Antibiotics, while sometimes necessary, can wreak havoc on your microbiome, killing off bacteria of every kind. Understanding this, antibiotics should be taken with caution, and always supported by probiotic supplements.

Connect With our Experts to Unlock the Secrets of Your Microbiome

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“As a scientist, I’m thrilled by the new discoveries that are expanding our worldview. These breakthroughs are helping us to rethink health and healing. They are also transforming our very notion of what it is to be human.”

Dr. Kellman
Co-Founder, viiota
Dr. Kellman

Dr. Kellman, the Pioneer of Microbiome Medicine

At the heart of viiota is one committed doctor’s mission to improve people's health and quality of life, including reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Raphael Kellman, MD, is a Physician of Integrative and Functional Medicine who has spent his career at the forefront of functional medicine, working on unique cases around the world.

The pioneer of a groundbreaking brand of medicine and healing called “Microbiome Medicine,” Dr. Kellman was the first doctor to recognize the profound importance of the microbiome and its link to all aspects of human health. Research and conventional medicine are only now catching up to this. However, Dr. Kellman has been focused on the microbiome as a root cause of many chronic diseases, especially obesity, as well as a crucial factor in the reversal of these conditions for many years.

“As a scientist, I’m thrilled by the new discoveries that are expanding our worldview. These breakthroughs are helping us to rethink health and healing. They are also transforming our very notion of what it is to be human.” - Dr. Kellman

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Microbiome Diet

Microbiome FAQs

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Viiota uses a comprehensive and medically proven approach to eating, exercise, medicine, and empathetic coaching to naturally heal your microbiome so that it can restore your metabolism to its greatest potential. When this happens, you’ll see cravings plummet, hunger reduced, and energy levels rise, and you’ll even start to enjoy foods that fuel your body and your microbiome.

Learn more about the science behind our holistic approach.

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As doctors who have been studying the microbiome for decades, we can tell you that its recent popularity is not a fad or a phase but an extremely overdue wave of recognition. While supplements and weight loss programs are beginning to incorporate and acknowledge the microbiome, this has been core to who we are since Day One. More than any momentary product, we are dedicated to empowering patients with knowledge and understanding that can help them maintain their weight and wellness for life.

Learn more about viiota, and the passionate doctors leading our program.

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This site is fully dedicated to weight loss and wellness through the microbiome, but, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Visit our blog to explore in-depth topics in Microbiome Health written by Dr. Kellman, the foremost expert in Microbiome Medicine.